Site visits in London stimulate discussion on future of Hartree
Site visits in London stimulate discussion on future of Hartree
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Earlier this month, members of our project team embarked on a two-day programme of visits to new developments in London to learn lessons for proposals being developed for the Hartree site in North East Cambridge.  

Over those two days the team were lucky enough to tour these developments:  

- The King’s Cross regeneration.

- Trafalgar Place at Elephant Park.

- King’s Crescent, Hackney.

- Fish Island, Hackney.

- Sugar House Island, Hackney.

- Hackney New School, Dalston.

Several of the projects involved members of the Hartree team including Haworth Tompkins, the masterplanners of Fish Island, and Bell Phillips Architects, who worked on the Tree House at Elephant Park and the elements of the Kings Cross regeneration project.  

The tours provided insights into a range of important topics being considered as part of the masterplanning process for Hartree. We learnt interesting lessons about different approaches to providing public open spaces, community facilities and new school buildings, whilst we saw different approaches to building heights and the way heritage can be integrated into new development that comes forward. Some of the pictures taken on the site tours can be found on our Instagram page. 

The insight gathered from the visits will be fed into the masterplanning process, as the Hartree project team seek to learn both from what has and has not been successful at each site. We are very grateful to the architects and developers of each project for facilitating these thought-provoking tours. 

30th October 2023

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